The Lakeview Shores Property Owners Association (POA) is a non-profit Corporation duly filed with the Secretary of State of North Carolina. It was established in 1995 as an entity to which the developers of the subdivision could deed the 3 access lots which they had reserved for the use of the property owners. The primary objectives of the POA are the Safeguard and Maintenance of the physical aspects of the Subdivision. It also tries to promote socialization among the residents and improve the desirability of the community.
Membership in the POA is not mandatory but everyone is encouraged to participate. Annual dues are $150 per year. Invoices are emailed in January and can also be found on the website at the appropriate time. Dues must be paid and up to date in order to vote on any issue put before the membership. These dues pay for the landscaping and care of the 3 access lots and the main entrance to the subdivision as well as, electricity at the entrance and the Liability and Directors and Officers Insurance carried by the organization.
An Annual Meeting of all members is typically held in June. Special Meetings can be called if necessary. Notification of meeting, news and events is done by email; thus, it is important that the association have an email address for all residents.
The POA Board is composed of up to 7 members elected at the annual meeting. The Board currently meets on a monthly basis.
Documents related to the POA – By-Laws. Covenants, Subdivision Plat, Annual Budget, Dues Invoice - can be found in the Document Section of this website.
The 3 access lots are owned by the Property Owners Association and Ordinary Use of them is stated or implied in most owner’s deed. Ordinary Use is not a legal term but the implied and understood use has been access to Lake Norman. The primary access is for boating, thus the installation of the ramps. “Swim at you own risks” signs are posted on each lot. There are no lifeguards posted and Duke Energy has sanctioned only a couple of swimming spots on the lake. These lots are not included. Please be aware that boaters have the right-of-way but common sense and courtesy for all users should be the rule. Neighborhood Watch signs are posted at the entrance to each lot. If you are aware of anyone misusing or engaging in dangerous activities, please call that number to report same. The number is that of the Iredell Sheriff’s office and they are the local law enforcement agency. 704 664-3180.